Mel represents Trowbridge Paxcroft ward on Wiltshire Council
Trowbridge Paxcroft | Unitary council election on Thursday 6 May 2021 | Results | Elections | Wiltshire Council
Mel was also elected alongside Lib Dem colleague David Cavill to represent Paxcroft ward on Trowbridge Town Council
Trowbridge (Paxcroft) | Town and parish election on Thursday 6 May 2021 | Results | Elections | Wiltshire Council
Mel says "I have lived and worked in the Trowbridge Paxcroft Ward for over 20 years. I have 4 children and have got to know the community through the local schools, and as a volunteer in local community groups. I have been a school governor since 2004 in both The Mead and Castle Mead Schools. I am Founder and Chair of The BIG Community Grow, who are the charity who organise the Trowbridge Apple Festival.
I believe that local government offers an opportunity to make a difference in our community. I want to support the future development of Trowbridge for the benefit of all the residents so we can live well, and feel proud of our town. I can see that there are people of all ages and backgrounds facing a range of challenges in our community and would like to be able to play my part in helping improve the quality of their lives, whether its support for children and families, local planning, litter or recycling".
To contact Mel:
Wiltshire Council Email:
Trowbridge Town Council Email:
Phone 07745 898902
Facebook: Mel Jacob - Trowbridge Paxcroft | Facebook
Investing In Trowbridge (South West Wiltshire Liberal Democrats) (