David represents Trowbridge Grove ward on Wiltshire Council
Trowbridge Grove | Unitary council election on Thursday 6 May 2021 | Results | Elections | Wiltshire Council
David was also elected to represent Trowbridge Grove ward on Trowbridge Town Council
Trowbridge Grove | Unitary council election on Thursday 6 May 2021 | Results | Elections | Wiltshire Council
David is long-standing local Liberal Democrat. He stood for Parliament for Trowbridge in the former Westbury constituency in 2001 and his voluntary work in the area has included serving as President of West Wiltshire MENCAP and a school governor.
He is a writer by profession who trained on local newspapers and worked as a producer and editor for the BBC Radio 4 Today Programme. In his early career he was a government press officer during the Thatcher government. "Seeing a Tory government in action first hand was a crash course in politics - and it made me join the Liberals," he says.
In the 1990s, David was the press secretary for the late Paddy Ashdown when he was Lib Dem leader. Today, David writes for several organisations including The Royal Society, specialising in climate change and energy. He's married to Katie with two grown-up children and is a singer, guitarist and songwriter who has played with several bands in the area as well as solo. David says: "I'd be proud to become a Wiltshire councillor for Trowbridge Grove. The people I have met there are great and it would be an honour to represent and support them."
To contact David:
Wiltshire Council Email: david.vigar@wiltshire.gov.uk
Trowbridge Town Council Email: Awaiting details
Mobile: 07546488573
Investing In Trowbridge (South West Wiltshire Liberal Democrats) (swwiltshirelibdems.org.uk)