Cllr Carole King represents Westbury North on Wiltshire Council
Carole was elected inthe 2021 local elections.
Westbury North | Unitary council election on Thursday 6 May 2021 | Results | Elections | Wiltshire Council
Carole: After gaining recognition for years of work in the community via a Civic Award in 2016, I began to realise that there was much more that could be done, I became the Wiltshire Councillor for Westbury North by winning the council byelection in July 2019. My mantra is simple "It is all about people": it is people who create communities, who make them work and give them character. Now it's time to give something back. I enjoy finding solutions that produce outcomes that improve where or how we live. That is why I joined the Liberal Democrats, because of their progressive view of community politics.
What I personally find very successful, is using the MyWilts app on my phone. I report issues to do with lights, manhole covers, kerbs, pot holes, abandoned cars and greenery takeover of the pavements! You see very quickly that issues are fixed and residents are pleased with that.
I keep up with my other community groups - LINK, Alzheimers Support, Westbury Heritage Society , Westbury Churches Together, Hope Debt Advice Service and litter picking with the Town Council, I'm busier than ever and as a people person, always trying to help.
To contact Carole:
Mobile: 07402223467