Westbury Incinerator
This week we heard back from the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, Michael Gove, in response to our Liberal Democrat spokesperson, Ellen Nicholson request to call in the Westbury Incinerator planning application.
Sadly it was not the decision we'd hoped for and the decision to build has been passed back to Wiltshire Council, we were contacted by BBC Radio Wiltshire following our tweet https://twitter.com/SWWilts.../status/1509578533995225089.
Wiltshire Councillor and Westbury town councillor Cllr Gordon King Westbury East took to the airwaves on BBC Radio Wiltshire, Graham Rogers show discussing the disappointment of the decision concerning the Westbury Incinerator. The recording can be found at 3:08 - https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p0bszyzp
But as WGAG / No Westbury Incinerator said in their press release the decision now comes back to Wiltshire Council - 'keep the faith' and lets push for Wiltshire Council to:
i) Refuse permission outright, as they should have originally of course, and move on, or:
ii) Reconvene the planning process to take account of the significant changes and new information now available before going back to full committee.