Repairs to Trowbridge Town Hall
These include mending the roof to prevent leaks and repairing the stonework on the front facade.
Safety hoarding has been erected around the building.
The work will take place from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday and will take around three months to complete.
The Town Hall's programme of events and activities are unaffected by the works and people using the Town Hall can continue to access the building using the existing entrance. A temporary section of footpath has been installed to ensure the safety of pedestrians.
Trowbridge Town hall is a grade 2 listed building and a cultural and civic hub in the heart of the town. It is owned by Wiltshire Council and run by the Town Hall Trust, an independent charity.
During the repair works, an inspection of the whole property will be undertaken. This will enable future planned works to be specified and programmed into the maintenance schedule.